MIN 14 20 14 21 6 75 MIN EVL passing
EVL 7 27 14 21 7 76 total yards 344 391 Albertini MIN 25/34 - 292, 9 TD
pass C/A-int 25/34 - 0 22/32 - 0 Pennington EVL 22/32 - 280, 6 TD
first quarter pass yards 292 280 rushing
MIN 14 pass Albertini to Benney rushing 14-56 25-115 Albertini MIN 10-43, TD
EVL 6 run Hoover fumbles-lost 1-0 1-0 Simmons MIN 4-13, TD
MIN 18 pass Albertini to Silverstein sacks-yards 1-4 1-4 Hoover EVL 13-70, 2 TD
second quarter returns-yards 12-174 12-168 Raybold EVL 12-45, 3 TD
EVL 20 pass Pennington to Yerkes penalties-yards 8-34 6-29 receiving
MIN 3 run Simmons (PAT failed) XP 9/10 10/11 Benney MIN 4-43, TD
EVL 21 pass Pennington to Perry FG 0/0 0/0 Silverstein MIN 6-95, 4 TD
MIN 14 pass Albertini to Waldron Waldron MIN 5-52, TD
EVL 4 run Raybold (PAT failed) Duncan MIN 4-38, TD
MIN 19 pass Albertini to Silverstein Bynes MIN 3-34, TD
EVL 26 pass Pennington to Tuttle Attendance 21175 21175 Simmons MIN 3-30, TD
third quarter $ to MIN $428,340.01 Yerkes EVL 6-90, 3 TD
EVL 2 run Raybold $ to EVL $1,713,360.06 Perry EVL 5-53, TD
MIN 26 pass Albertini to Silverstein Tuttle EVL 3-46, TD
EVL 3 run Raybold Blind EVL 5-48, TD
MIN 14 pass Albertini to Duncan Kramer EVL 2-22
fourth quarter Sanders EVL 1-21
EVL 5 pass Pennington to Yerkes kicking
MIN 14 pass Albertini to Bynes Matich MIN 9/10, 0/0
EVL 18 pass Pennington to Blind Cringle EVL 10/11, 0/0
MIN 1 run Albertini kick returns
EVL 12 pass Pennington to Yerkes Silverstein MIN 12-174
MIN 13 pass Albertini to Silverstein Tuttle EVL 12-168
overtime defensive sacks ints FF FR PBU K-block
EVL 12 run Hoover Thiel MIN 1-4 1
MIN 12 pass Albertini to Simmons (2PC failed) Ammons MIN 1
Yerkes EVL 1 1
Djordjevic EVL 1
Ziemann EVL 1-4